26 May 2015

How To Escape

the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
I feel like a truly important part of life is to have escapisms.
I think that by staying in reality your whole life can be somewhat uncomfortable and overbearing, ignoring the world and blanking out, for me, is a necessity; a vital part of my daily life, if you will.
The great thing about escapisms is that it can come from anything and it doesn’t even have to be something ordinary. They can be individual and as long as it gets you away from the ‘unpleasant realities’ in a safe way, you should never be ashamed or afraid of them.
From writing to exercise, any way you can escape from life and focus on you and one thing is better than focusing on what is happening around you - even if it’s not been a bad day. Sometimes having a good day can still call for a little escape.
Escapisms allow us to move past the reality we are living, they allow us to forget about our stresses and what we’re meant to have done or be doing and that’s great because when life becomes too stressful, there is an easy answer.
I like books that I can so easily get into, movies, or music where I can just sit, close my eyes and really listen to the lyrics and just, not live for a while. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, either, quite the opposite. I think we should be able to escape, not even from ‘unpleasant realities’ just from reality, even if your life is all but perfect, why shouldn’t you be able to forget about everything?
Whether it be a book or music, we each have our own means of escaping from our own realities for a period of time. I’m just wondering how reading a book can transport you from the world we’re all in, to a place where it’s just you and the book - it can, I’m not disputing that, we’ve all experienced it, but how? I think it’s extraordinary.
How is it so easy to forget about the world but still be there, in your room or wherever you may be, to still be alive and breathing in your home town but to feel like you are alive and breathing in Hogwarts or watching the Hunger Games from the Capitol. Or, maybe you’re sat with your eyes closed, favourite song on repeat, and you’re there, in your perfect World, relaxed.
I love it and I truly, truly hope that everyone has their own personal escapism, maybe it’s something I haven’t even mentioned, maybe it’s your own way of surviving the tough times, or the easy times. I think everyone needs an escapism, because how can one live in reality for too long?
For me, my favourite ways to escape reality are either writing or going for a run, both with my headphones in and music going, any playlist where I can listen to every song and enjoy it really helps me to get away from all that’s going on. I think writing sounds obvious and general, maybe it is for people who enjoy it because it honestly is an incredible way to forget your life - creating a life for a fictional person, being able to control their every move, every aspect of their looks and personality. Just to put my headphones in and be alone with my keyboard or a pen and paper. Is running a ‘usual’ escapism? Or do you all think I’m crazy now? I just think that to be outside, running across the beach or around the downs with a beautiful view of my town is a great thinking space, or a space to get everything off your mind - whichever alternative is best for your ‘escapist’ needs.
If you don’t have a perfected escapism, please find one, there is nothing harder than having to go through life without a way of forgetting it all for at least five minutes a day. Whatever it may be; fall in love with a film, create art, workout or put on your favourite playlist and lay on your bed with your eyes closed for a while.
Escape from the world and clear your mind for a while and always have fun doing it.
Feel free to share your escapisms with me and us all.

Samiie xo

14 May 2015


Some nights leave me speechless in a way I cannot explain.
Some mornings I wake up with not much memory of the night before which is probably for the best.
Laying in bed, at about 10pm last night, everything hit me. All the bad things, all the people I’d lost, all the things I’m missing out on.
I felt empty.
I felt alone.
I couldn’t even take my makeup off, I couldn’t even turn my light off, I couldn’t even go to sleep.
It took me twenty minutes to build the motivation to take off my makeup and even that was slightly forced.
I don’t like to openly talk about these feelings, I don’t like to message my friends when I feel like this, why bring other people down just because I feel a bit sad? People have it worse, people always have it worse.
I wander alone through a field, lost in a tangle of negative thoughts. With not enough room on the shelf or cupboards of my mind they escape, barging out of the places I hide them. I try to push them back but they keep moving forward towards the front of my brain, to the loudest part of my being.
I lay in bed and where I would usually spill words on to a page; I cannot, picking up a pen is hard and I have nothing I want to say.
Except the looming loneliness and fear or rejection, the idea that I haven’t spoken to a certain person in 5 days and how that’s the worst thing that’s happened.
It’s as if loneliness has consumed my entire being and it’s all I can think of. . .maybe that’s where this stems from.
Nothing bad has happened that day. That’s the problem. There is nothing and no one to blame, only myself and my overactive mind. 
But, who doesn’t think too much?
There is nowhere I’d rather be than tucked up in bed falling asleep; but I am there and I hate it.
Maybe this doesn’t make sense.
Nothing bad has happened, just smile, watch something funny, be a little happier, why are you even sad?
I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.
These thoughts don’t come often but they bring a painful thunder and several bolts of lightening. They bring rain storms or hail. 
Somewhere along the line, things turned black and white.
I mean, this isn’t a constant feeling, I feel happy in the moment, I feel fine. It’s just, I look back on the day or week and nothing happened.
Regardless of what happened - nothing happened.

I don’t know why I’m rambling about this but it’s always best to get things off your chest - right?
It just seems to be one thing after another at the moment. I have exams which are always an added stress.
Though summer is getting ever closer (and PLL season 6 ha!) and that seems to be the only thing that brings any brightness.

Anyway, I should be back to posting slightly more regularly soon (she says. . .again), especially come the holidays when I have as much time as I need.